Published by France info culture :
Sandrine Plante is an internationally renowned scuplter (she insists on using the masculine form for her profession). Born in the Puy-de-Dôme region of France to an Auvergne mother and a Reunion father, she has been drawn to working the land since childhood, as much as to the history of her ancestors, some of whom were slaves. A militant artist who gives life to powerful characters to tell the story of a very dark and sometimes still little-known part of our history: slavery. [...]

""Vies volées, vies rêvées" : les œuvres humanistes de Sandrine Plante à découvrir à Clermont-Ferrand"
Published by La Montagne :
An exhibition full of humanism and steeped in history is on show until June 10 at the Chapelle des Cordeliers on Place Sugny. Some forty sculptures of African men and women are presented by Sandrine Plante, an internationally-renowned artist from Clermont-Ferrand. Her works, disconcertingly realistic, represent life-size figures that she has "just dreamed up".
Her exhibition, presented chronologically, retraces the history of Africans, featuring periods of exodus, slavery and free men. "It's a duty to remember, so as not to forget the oppressed of yesterday and today. In the end, I'm recounting over 400 years of history," explains the artist. [...]

"Sandrine Plante donne corps à l'Afrique"
Published by the Puy de Dôme department :
Through her works, Sandrine Plante tells the story of Africa, the cradle of humanity. The exhibition features some forty sculptures in acrylic resin and two works in terracotta. Viewers will also have the chance to admire an original work, created on site and specially unveiled for the occasion.
Through their expressions frozen in matter, Sandrine Plante's statues live and feel, but above all bear witness to the lives of her ancestors. Neither models nor drawings form the basis of her works: a dreamlike inspiration based on the faces of those who visit her in her dreams. With her hands, she molds the earth to dig deeper into their past. Following historical chronology, she brings back to life those who have been forgotten for too long: from fetishists, healers and nomads to slaves, and finally to modern man... His human-sized creations are impressively realistic. They call out to the viewer to tell the story of these stolen lives, which the artist has seen in his dreams. [...]

"Mémoires rêvées d'Afrique par Sandrine Plante"
Published by 7 jours à Clermont
"Stolen Lives, Dreamed Lives" is Sandrine Plante's first solo exhibition in her hometown. Her works tell the story of Africa, the cradle of humanity.
It was in 1974, in the Puy-de-Dôme region of France, that Sandrine Plante let out her primal cry. With a mother from Auvergne and a father from Reunion, she was born with a mixed "zoréole" (contraction of Creole and zoreille) identity, influenced by two volcanic countries. 8 years later, an aunt gave her some modeling clay, a material with which she immediately connected. Sculpture became the most appropriate means of expression for her. [...]

"Ouverture de la première galerie d'Art humaniste dédiée au «devoir de mémoire sur l'esclavage», fin octobre, à Lyon"
Published by People Bò Kay
The first humanist art gallery dedicated to the "duty to remember slavery" will open in Lyon on October 30, featuring sculptures by the emblematic artist Sandrine Plante, whose monumental works dedicated to slavery have become a benchmark.
Called "Maron'Ages", in reference to the "Nèg Mawon" (Brown Negroes), this private gallery aims to "raise awareness of the forgotten victims of the slave trade" through committed black artists, explains gallery owner Christophe Esclapez-Ceva to People Bokay.
The 47-year-old has invested no less than 100,000 euros in this project, whose motto is "Art and Humanism". [...]